By Team Metacorp on July 10, 2023

Legal and Regulatory Framework for Uttar Pradesh Groundwater License: Rights and Responsibilities

Legal and Regulatory Framework for Uttar Pradesh Groundwater License: Rights and Responsibilities


Legal and Regulatory Framework for Uttar Pradesh Groundwater License: Rights and Responsibilities: The rules and regulations for granting licenses to use groundwater in Uttar Pradesh (UP), India, are established by the Uttar Pradesh Groundwater (Management and Regulation) Act, 2019, and the Uttar Pradesh Groundwater (Management and Regulation) Rules, 2020. These regulations have the purpose of effectively managing and controlling by UP Ground Water Department Registration because it is used sustainably and preserved for the future.  Properly managing groundwater resources is very important to guarantee water security and sustainability in Uttar Pradesh (UP), India. This blog post explores the key aspects of the Legal and Regulatory Framework for the Uttar Pradesh Groundwater License, including the legal provisions, regulatory authorities, licensing process, and the importance of compliance. Grasping the legal and regulatory framework is essential for individuals and groups involved in extracting groundwater, as it ensures that this critical resource is used responsibly and in a sustainable manner.

Legal Provisions for Groundwater Management in Uttar Pradesh

The management of groundwater in Uttar Pradesh is controlled by the Uttar Pradesh Groundwater (Management and Regulation) Act, 2019. This act establishes the legal structure for governing and preserving groundwater in the state. Its primary objective is to promote the sustainable utilization of groundwater, prevent excessive exploitation, and safeguard the quality of this vital resource. Within the act, the rights and obligations of various parties involved, such as groundwater users, regulatory bodies, and local entities, are clearly defined. It grants authority to the Uttar Pradesh Groundwater Authority (UPGWA) to oversee and supervise the extraction of groundwater throughout the state.

Key Regulatory Authorities

The Uttar Pradesh Groundwater Authority (UPGWA) plays a pivotal role in implementing and enforcing the provisions of the groundwater management act. The UPGWA is responsible for granting and renewing groundwater licenses, monitoring extraction activities, ensuring compliance with regulations, and imposing penalties for non-compliance. The act mandates that individuals or entities engaging in groundwater extraction beyond a specified threshold must obtain UPGWD Certificate . The licensing process involves several steps:

  • Application Submission: The applicant must submit a duly filled application form to the UPGWA, providing details such as the purpose of extraction, proposed quantity, location, and proof of ownership or legal occupancy of the land.
  • Documentation: Along with the application form, the applicant must provide necessary supporting documents, including property documents, identification proof, and any other documents specified by the UPGWA.
  • Fee Payment: The applicant is required to pay the prescribed fee for the groundwater license. The fee structure may vary depending on factors such as the category of users and the quantity of groundwater to be extracted.
  • Review and Approval: The UPGWA reviews the application and supporting documents. If found satisfactory, the groundwater license is granted to the applicant, subject to specific conditions and restrictions.

Rights and Responsibilities of Groundwater Users

Groundwater users in Uttar Pradesh have certain rights and responsibilities that they must adhere to while extracting and utilizing groundwater resources. Some key rights and responsibilities include:

  • Right to Extract: Groundwater users have the right to extract a specified quantity of groundwater for their designated purpose, as permitted by the groundwater license.
  • Responsible Extraction: Groundwater users are responsible for extracting groundwater in a sustainable manner, ensuring minimal impact on the environment and neighboring users.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Users must comply with the provisions outlined in the groundwater license, including the permitted extraction limit, time restrictions, and any other conditions imposed by the UPGWA.
  • Reporting and Monitoring: Users are required to regularly report the quantity of groundwater extracted and provide any additional information as requested by the UPGWA. They must also participate in monitoring and data collection activities conducted by the regulatory authorities.
  • Water Conservation: Users have the responsibility to adopt water conservation practices and technologies to minimize wastage and promote the efficient use of groundwater resources.

If you want to apply online to the UPGWD portal, click HERE

Key Aspects of the Legal and Regulatory Framework for Uttar Pradesh Groundwater License

  • Groundwater Authority: The Uttar Pradesh Groundwater Authority (UPGWA) is responsible for implementing and overseeing the provisions of the Act and Rules. It is entrusted with the power to grant and renew groundwater licenses, monitor extraction, and enforce compliance.
  • Groundwater Licensing: The Act mandates that individuals or entities engaging in groundwater extraction beyond a specified threshold must obtain a groundwater license from the UPGWA. The licensing requirements depend on the category of the user, such as agricultural, industrial, commercial, or domestic users.
  • Licensing Process: The process for obtaining a groundwater license in UP involves submitting an application to the UPGWA along with the necessary documents, such as proof of ownership or legal occupancy of the land, the purpose of extraction, and the proposed quantity of water to be extracted.
  • Licensing Fees: The Act stipulates the payment of fees for groundwater licensing. The fee structure may vary based on factors like the category of the user and the quantity of groundwater to be extracted.
  • Conditions and Restrictions: The UPGWA may impose specific conditions and restrictions on the groundwater license, such as the maximum allowable extraction limit, time restrictions, and mandatory water conservation measures. License holders are required to adhere to these conditions to ensure sustainable groundwater use.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: Groundwater license holders are obligated to monitor and report their groundwater extraction activities to the UPGWA. This includes regular submission of data on the quantity of water extracted and any other information specified by the authority.
  • Enforcement and Penalties: The Act empowers the UPGWA to enforce compliance and take necessary action against violations. It provides provisions for penalties, fines, and potential cancellation or suspension of groundwater licenses in case of non-compliance with the regulations.
  • Public Awareness and Participation: The Act emphasizes the importance of public awareness and participation in groundwater management. It encourages public education, dissemination of information, and consultation with stakeholders to promote responsible groundwater use.


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